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ARKANSAS- Here is a typical Arkansas installation; straight mono-tube arm, with two signals mounted overhead. This picture also shows the right angle double masts for eliminating pole "clutter". This photo was shot at North Little Rock. (Photo by Mark O'Neil)


ILLINOIS- This is an example of a signal installation in Illinois. It shows the basic color scheme of a yellow housing with black visors and doors. Note that the elevator plumbizer (attaching hardware from signal to pole) is between the yellow and green sections. This is unusual because it makes the signal a bit top heavy. Typically signals are mounted between the red and yellow sections on a typical three light unit. (Photo by Kurt Gros)

Here is another example of an older signal assembly in Illinois. This time the signals are painted dark green and are all of the 8" variety (even the signal on the mast arm). Probably dates from the 60's.
(Photo by Mark O'Neil)

This view shows how the signals are mounted and gives a great, up-close perspective of the trombone-type truss.


Another view, showing the back of a typical Illinois installation. Note the use of Astro-brac devices for mounting the signal to the mast arm


An odd looking custom mast arm assembly. Note the use of louvered back plates and the small white light on the mast to indicate emergency pre-empt clearence.


In this unusual photo, both railroad crossing and traffic signals are combined on the same overhead gantry.


INDIANA- The next three pictures show examples of Indiana's signal installations. This first example is of the mono-tube mast-arm installation. All signals have been converted to LED indications.


This example is of the older-style truss arm mounting.  This was once common in most of the state.



And finally, the old tried-and-true "box style" span wire installation. (above three photos by David Prins)



IOWA- This particular example is kind of a famous one as well. This older signal installation is in Winterset, Iowa and was used in the "rainy scene" in the movie "The Bridges of Madison County". This was typical of the older signals in Iowa. Most were made by either Eagle Signal or Crouse-Hinds, and some had the larger 12" red section. This particular intersection is still controlled by a Crouse-Hinds electro-mechanical controller.


KANSAS- Kansas City, KS is beginning to utilize the video detection systems as seen here at the top of the luminarie mast arm. These systems have several advantages over the closed inductive loop system. The largest advantage is that road work can be performed without having to put the signals in a "Max time" state. This particular example is on 77th St. and Parallel Pkwy. The signals are a more recent Crouse-Hinds 12" type. (Photo by Christopher Knight)


LOUISIANA- Louisiana uses truss style arms placed diagonally across the intersection, so as two control two 90 degree directions of traffic. They typically paint their signals green and still make use of "side-of-pole" mounted units as seen in the second photograph. (Photos by Alex Nitzman)


MINNESOTA- Here is a picture of a "typical" Minnesota standard traffic signal. It's used by MnDOT and by most local governmental units with some minor modifications. Note that MnDOT likes to use the "red arrow" left turn signal, while you may find a five-lens light on the cross arm with a protected turn arrow on signals installed by other governmental units.(Photo by Steve Riner)

Minneapolis- On the left is a Minneapolis standard signal. Characterized by the straight cross arm, and the signal head can be a five-lens with protected left turn arrow. Red arrow left turn lights are rare in Minneapolis. These are even found on state trunk highways in the city, mainly because MnDOT contracts with the city of Minneapolis for street maintenance on most miles of trunk highway. On the right is a picture of a typical ramp signal installation on a Minneapolis interstate. (Photos by Steve Riner)


MISSOURI- This photo, taken in Joplin, shows a pretty typical example of a Missouri installation. The state has just started using all black painted signals. Prior to that, the backs were yellow, with black faces and visors. One stand-out feature, is the large concrete pedestals on which the signal poles are mounted. (Photo by Mark O'Neil)

Another example of a Missouri installation. This particular span wire installation is in dire need of tensioning and tightening...note the "sagging wire". These span wire signals are quite common in the smaller towns and back country byways of the state. The signals here were manufactured by Eagle. (Photo by Christopher Knight)


NEBRASKA- This is a pretty typical example of a horizontal signal in Nebraska. Most cities in the state have these, with the notable exception of Omaha. The signals are painted all black and use the straight mast arm. (Photo by Mark O'Neil)


OKLAHOMA- Here is an example of an older Oklahoma signal, located in Miami. Many of these assemblies replaced the old favorite- The 4-way traffic signal hung from a span wire. The pole is silver painted steel, and the box under the pedestrian signal is the control cabinet.
(Photo by Mark O'Neil)

This is what the pole mounted 5 light protective/permissive signals look like in Oklahoma. It almost looks like two signals side-by-side, except the regulatory sign is mounted where the left "red" would be if this was a just a protected left. Also, note that Oklahoma uses yellow signals with black doors and visors. (Photo by Alex Nitzman)


This is an example of the more "typical" Oklahoma installation that you would find today. Note that the left turn signal uses "ball type" lenses for the red indication instead of arrows. (Photo by Travis Turner)


TEXAS- On the left is a picture of a "typical" Texas standard traffic signal. It's used by Texas DOT. Located at State Highway 6 and US 90-Alt, in Sugar Land. Note optical sensor for emergency vehicle interruption, between 2nd and 3rd signal. The right photo is a good representation of a Houston standard signal. It's located at US 59 (Southwest Freeway) and South Gessner, in Southwest Houston. (Photos by Marvin Suggs)


WISCONSIN- Wisconsin is noted for the horizontal signal head on the cross arm. This particular installation is on WI-35 in Hudson, and is fairly typical of a Wisconsin intersection. Most installations have a second signal assembly on the near corner at right side of the intersection, just as this photo shows. (Photo by Steve Riner)


 This photo was taken at the intersection of Decorah Road & River Road (County Hwy G) in West Bend, WI
It is a typical Wisconsin installation using protected left turns (green & yellow arrows)


This view was taken at the intersection of Main Street & Paradise Drive in West Bend, WI. The intersection uses double left turn lanes for Paradise Drive, with protected left turns (green, yellow & red arrows). This type of left turn system is used more & more now in WI for turn lanes onto major highways
    The intersection uses single left turn lanes for Main Street, with protected left turns (green & yellow arrow only). Wisconsin intersections are beginning to use infra-red cameras for vehicle detection (mounted on 'streetlight' type poles). Some intersections also use a system that gives emergency vehicles a green light by using radio fequencies (the detector and floodlight are hung in the cross-arms of the horizontal signals). (Above two photos by Eric Frailing)

Still Needed: North Dakota, South Dakota

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